Explore Our Partnership Programs

Distributor & Reseller Program

Expand your product offerings and drive more sales.

We’re looking forward to collaborating with distributors and resellers. As a partner, you can get exclusive discounted Fotor licenses, competitive profits, and full support. Create new revenue streams by selling Fotor to your customers. 

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Affiliate Program

Earn up to 35% commission by sharing Fotor with your audience.

Become a Fotor affiliate and earn attractive commissions for every referral you make. Promote Fotor through your blog, website, social media, or online community, and track your results through our straightforward affiliate system. Learn more about our affiliate program here.

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Press and Media Collaborations

Share Fotor’s story and innovations with your readers.

Are you a journalist or publication interested in covering Fotor? We’d love to connect! Fotor has been featured by numerous leading media outlets worldwide. Visit our press page to learn more about our story and media presence. Or reach out directly to discuss media opportunities.

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Influencer & KOL Partnerships

Showcase Fotor to your dedicated followers and grow your impact.

We are open to partnering with influencers and KOLs for branded and sponsored content. If you have an engaged audience and just love Fotor, then you are who we are looking for. Submit a collaboration request, and let’s explore the possibilities together!

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Blogger Collaborations

Discover fresh content ideas that captivate your readers.

Looking for content ideas for your blog? Partner with Fotor to create insightful posts that your audience will love. From product reviews and tutorials to design tips and creative inspiration, we can help grow your readership.

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Write for Us

Share your expertise with Fotor’s global audience.

We’re looking for creative writers who can inspire our audience with fresh insights and unique perspectives. If you’re interested in contributing to Fotor’s blog, pitch us! Browse our blog for inspiration, and reach out to us with your topic ideas.

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Business Proposals

Have a unique idea for collaboration? Let's bring it to life.

We're always exploring new partnerships and business opportunities. If you have a specific proposal, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to discuss it with you.

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Ready to Partner with Fotor?

Let’s connect and discover how we can make a difference together!